FINALLY – it’s gingerbread time in the German supermarkets! Everyone who knows me, knows that I get way too excited when the Christmas shelves are stacked up again in late August or September every year. And since I moved back to Germany, I have been waiting for this moment for far too long already. And no, it is never too warm, too early or too anything for gingerbread! Since eating an entire package of those pretzel, star and heart babies would probably give you a diabetic shock, you can easily store them in the fridge and enjoy them even in the current warm weather – isn’t that just amazing?!
But I don’t want to stop you from enjoying these soft, chocolate coated bites from Weiss and as always, give you my rating:

Taste10/10I think heaven is real
Consistency9/10Super soft and amazing, chocolate might melt though
Looks9/10I mean, who does not love some pretzel, hearts or stars?
Quality9/10Good old Weiss quality
Price9/10With 2,75€ a good fresscalation investment
Nutrition1/10PLEASE eat your greens before and after
All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.

Ready to fresscalate?

Categories: Sweet