Are you in need of a vegan Easter egg alternative? Then I’ve got you covered.
How about some caramelized peanuts with sesame seeds? They might not taste or even look like the colored, hard boiled eggs we get so sick of during Easter, but let me tell you: They are so much better!

Even though I just recently visited amazing Morocco myself, I got these goodies as a gift. And the first thing I did after fresscalating with them, was checking on how to make them myself. I found Turkish and Moroccan recipes, a Greek website that sells them and if they are not the solution to world peace, I don’t know what is. Cause honestly, I don’t care, who had the brilliant idea of throwing nuts in sugar and sesame seeds first, but it’s the best shit ever.

Since there are several recipes online, I will definitely try it when my cravings for some “Moroccan” eggcellence will come back. And if you visit Morocco yourself (or whatever amazing country that makes them), take some home. They are the perfect souvenir for fellow fresscalators.

On that note, enjoy the Easter holidays and don’t worry, be hoppy.

Taste10/10Oh, sweet sesame
Consistency10/10Caramelized crunchiness
Looks10/10Coated bunny droppings, perfect for Easter
Quality10/10I mean, you can make them yourself
Price10/10Couldn’t be better, didn’t even pay for them
Nutrition5/10I mean, peanuts have protein right? (Just ignore the fat and sugar)
All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.

Ready to fresscalate?

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