You know what they say: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Just imagine all the stuff you could do if you fresscalate with Trolli’s entire apple garden!

I mean let’s not be ridiculous in believing they will help you to keep the doctor away, but they will make your dentist rich at least woop woop.

But seriously guys, I have to hand it to Trolli here. They did an amazing job with this one.
Not only did they manage to jump on the vegan train (yes Haribo, this goes in your direction), but they did exceptionally well. Their apple garden is a fruity sour feast.
I generally struggle with sour treats since my sensitive teeth don’t cope well, but these little bites are totally worth the pain.

And hey, when being so sour, I almost cannot eat an entire bag in one sitting. Almost!
The three flavors also vary in their sourness level, so if you prefer the sweeter taste of life, make sure to save the red and orange ones. But honestly, there are no bad apples here: Even the consistency is a dream. Congrats Trolli, you did really well!

Taste9/10Almost too sour for me but they are finger-licking good
Looks10/10They are truly the apple of my eye
Quality8/10If they would tone down the sugar, I would marry them
Price8/10I mean, what’s affordable these days anyway (cries in broke)
Nutrition2/10Zero fat but 68g sugar per 100g
All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.

Ready to fresscalate?

Categories: Sweet