What better way to embrace winter than fattening up? With 30g fat to 100g chips, these rosemary chips would definitely be my favourite way to embrace the cold. Those awesome German potatoes are everything a fresscalator can ask for: crunchy, natural ingredients with an impeccable taste. Latest of course only if you are a fellow rosemary chips and Naturals lover.
You can enjoy those with your loved ones or make ´em your loved ones – either way you don’t only have my full support but also a full, happy belly.

Taste10/10Finger licking, freaking ten
Consistency10/10Chomp champ
Looks10/10Pretty please, they are still German potatoes.
Quality9/10Natural ingredients are always good.
Price8/10Pricey but worth it
Nutrition5/10Well, still chips. Have some veggies to balance it out.

Ready to fresscalate?

Categories: Savoury