With my move back to Germany, I was able to do a proper gummy tasting. And I have to give a shout-out to my gummy people at Aldi Süd. They created veggie and vegan gummies that are simply great. Apparently you can buy them for years already, but they just came to my attention a few weeks ago. Their store brand rio d’oro has a variety of gummies with 30% juice concentrate. And the best part: Because of that you don’t feel too bad about fresscalating with them. I mean it’s basically fruit and that’s healthy, right? Right?

Well we know this page is not about nutritious superfoods so let’s not get too deep into the topic of fruit sugar. BUT by adding so much juice, the taste and consistency of the gummies are just so good, I can barely find words for it. My personal vegetarian favorite is the Purple Smoothie version with currant. But since I ate them all, I don’t have a picture to post here. And the vegan Orange Smoothie ones are perfect for those who like it less sweet – and of course for the vegan babies out here.

Again, thank you Aldi Süd. And please tell your colleagues in the North that they need to sell them here in Hamburg as well – for more yummy gummies in my tummy.

Taste10/10I want them all day, every day
Consistency10/10Soo soft
Looks10/10Veggie/Vegan marketing on fleek
Quality8/10Super fruity, super good
Price10/10Great price for something so…GREAT
Nutrition7/10I mean almost healthy, right? Right?
All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.
Categories: Sweet