I already told my colleagues today and I will gladly share my wonka wisdom with you, too:
On my journey to find the one true candy, sometimes you encounter things that just aren’t as sweet. Or in this case, too sweet to handle.

While looking for vegan and vegetarian gummies, I tried the “Vegane Früchtchen” from Aldi’s GUT BIO brand and I have rarely been as disappointed in gummies as this time. Especially since I am generally a big fan of Aldi Süd’s gummies (shoutout to the smoothie fruchtgummies here), I was actually really surprised when the vegan gummies from GUT BIO turned out so bad.

Even though they look really cute (just colourful smol fruits), they are way too sweet. With an almost sandy consistency due to all the sugar, they were also sticky af and better be eaten with a fork – if even eaten at all. I really don’t mean to bash as harshly here and I am sorry, but they really suck 😀

As mentioned before, GUT BIO is usually great (have you ever tried their Hafercookies? If not, please do so), but they really screwed up with the vegan fruities. I know its hard to make gummies (I tried myself and failed miserably) and maybe it is even harder with only bio ingredients, but if it is this hard (and unpalatable) to make the world a better place with better ingredients, maybe we should all stop eating sweets alltogether.

Taste1/10Tastes like sugar mixed with gel
Looks10/10Good looks, bad charakter
Quality8/10They tried I guess
Price1/10I wouldn’t even eat them for free
Nutrition1/1058g sugar in 100g gummies

All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.

Ready to bash?

Categories: Sweet


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