I sometimes get very excited when strolling through the German supermarket aisles and spotting things that I used to be obsessed with – or still am. One of my current trip highlights in Germany is definitely finding out that the Haribo Balla Stixx are now veggie as well. Even though I am not vegetarian (yet), I love to see and taste the change and finding more and more vegetarian treats. And these Haribo Balla Stixx are a big one to fresscalate with!

While they might be too sweet for an estimate of 90% of the people, I just love ’em. Might be the slightly chemical taste or the fact that the sugar rush makes me balla. The Haribo Balla Stixx used to be called Balla-Balla, which basically means crazy. I suppose that’s why they changed the name, even though I am still balla for them. And I say “them” because Haribo offers the Balla Stixx with different flavours. My favourites are blue (blackberry and raspberry) and green (apple), but they also have them in purple (cherry) and brown (cola). So, how balla are you?

Taste9/10Oh, sweet ballaline
Consistency10/10Fun like liquorice
Looks8/10Slightly unnatural, but pretty
Quality8/10Less artificially might be even better
Price9/10Reasonable price
Nutrition0/10I’m too scared to check

All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.

Ready to fresscalate?

Categories: Sweet