If you feel like sitting on the couch while being covered in crisp crumbs (whoever can say crisp crumbs real fast three times in a row, wins), the Lays Campesinas are a great choice.
Even though you’ll either love or hate the strong sourness of onion powder, the taste will teleport you to the house on the countryside you always wanted.
And not only that: the Lays Campesinas gave me one of the greatest chips in terms of dimensions – just look at the size of that thing! Yes, that’s what she said. And for those out there, who think it’s not that important, sorry to disappoint you: size does matter. 
If you are ever lucky enough, to find a bigger one than the size of the chip on the bag’s front logo, please show me, so we can cherish this moment for all eternity. 

CategoryRating Comment
Taste8/10The taste is great, but so is the amount of added onion powder.
Consistency9/10Crisp crumbs to enjoy
Looks9/10Size does matter
Quality8/10A more balanced product with less artificial flavour might be even better.
Price8/10As always, more air than product but with ca. 1,80€ not too expensive.
Nutrition4/10Not great folks, don’t eat them too often.
All ratings are concluded within my personal preference and do not necessarily apply to any other individual.
Categories: Savoury